Maine effect of car travel
It was damp when we arrived and we faced worse weather later on in the week, but my time in Maine was a wondrous way to be thrown into the adventure of traveling around the world for five months. I arrived on the cusp of the seasons when it was still so beautiful that I can't describe it with words, but was not over-run with tourists. October 22nd, 2009. We had already ate in Bar Harbor, the only real town on the island, and we had just drove for 24 hours straight in a small car. We had already been at the house, but weren't sure if it was the right one till we contacted our friend. We returned to the house and my friends unloaded there stuff and sat, or laid down. I unloaded and went outside and snapped off some different shots, testing my camera at different settings.One of the photos I took is at the top of the page, the rest of these were snapped the next day. Over the first couple days playing around with my camera I got some nice shots, I loved the things I could d...